Monday, August 12, 2013

Algorithms 4th Edition by Robert Sedgewick and Wayne

Algorithms 4th Edition by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne gives full treatment of data constructions and algorithms for sorting, looking, graph processing, and string processing, including fifty algorithms every programmer should know. New Java implementations are written in an accessible modular programming type, where all of the code is exposed to the reader and ready to use.

Algorithms are studied in the context of essential scientific, engineering, and industrial applications. Clients and algorithms are expressed in real code, not the pseudo-code found in many different books. This text engages reader curiosity with clear, concise text, detailed examples with visuals, carefully crafted code, historic and scientific context, and workouts at all levels.

A Scientific Strategy develops exact statements about performance, supported by acceptable mathematical models and empirical research validating these models. Authors have completely revised this new Fourth Version with plentiful Java scripts for an unlimited variation of applications. A brand new website at Princeton is dedicated to this book and has visualizations, much more code, exercises, answers, links, full implementations of many problems, and a complete online summary and synopsis of the book.

This text surveys the most important algorithms and data structures in use today. The textbook is organized into six chapters. Chapter 1: Fundamentals introduces a scientific and engineering basis for comparing algorithms and making predictions. It also includes our programming model. Chapter 2: Sorting considers several classic sorting algorithms, including insertion sort, mergesort, and quicksort. It also includes a binary heap implementation of a priority queue.

Chapter 3: Searching describes several classic symbol table implementations, including binary search trees, red-black trees, and hash tables. Chapter 4: Graphs surveys the most important graph processing problems, including depth-first search, breadth-first search, minimum spanning trees, and shortest paths. Chapter 5: Strings investigates specialized algorithms for string processing, including radix sorting, substring search, tries, regular expressions, and data compression.

Chapter 6: Context highlights connections to systems programming, scientific computing, commercial applications, operations research, and intractability. Applications to science, engineering, and industry are a key feature of the text. Authors motivate each algorithm that we address by examining its impact on specific applications.

The authors suggest this is for a second course in CS, but many serious students, whether independent or in undergrad, will find it useful for self teaching as well. In fact, the new website has self teaching resources if you are "going it alone" in your initial study of algorithms.

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